Monday, 31 January 2011

How effective is the combination of your product and ancillary texts?

When making our trailer, poster and magazine cover we had to ensure that there was a brand identity evident. From the trailer, I selected three key images to use on the poster and magazine cover to ensure a brand identity. We also tried to use dark colours and those which are conventional of the horror genre such as black, white, red and blue. For the sake of establishing a brand identity, I also stuck with the font "skribble" for my poster and magazine cover. Two of the three images that we used throughout to create a brand identity are to the left.

During the process of creating our trailer and ancillary products we had to ensure we understood the function of film distribution. The distributors play a key role in ensuring the target audience knows about and wants to see the films they promote. The first role of a distributor is to identify the target audience. This obviously needs to be clearly established before the outset of creating the marketing campaign. Our project was to make an advertising campaign for a horror film. Through our research we decided that the target audience would be 17-24 year olds which is why we decided on the classification 12A. Once we had established the age group, we conducted research into the target audience and what type of films they would like to see and the type of horror that would appeal to them, we did this by publishing questionnaires and getting people, mostly between the ages of 17 and 24 to fill them in with information that we could use about horror films and useful modes of advertising. For our audience survey results go to Post D.When we had discussed our target audience, their interests and tastes, we had to think of how we could promote our film as we would use various mediums to reach them. As a lot of people in their late teens and early twenties would be on the internet on various popular sites we decided that in order to get some feedback for our first draft and final draft we would publish our videos on YouTube. We also created our magazine cover to ensure that it was seen by the typical audience of Total Film magazine.  I ensured that while I was creating each product, I was getting regular feedback, from various people to ensure that, the products would be suitable for the target audience.

When we created our trailer it was then important to decide a release date, we decided on Friday, 28th January. We thought January would be a good time for our target audience to get out from doing work and exams at the beginning of term to go and watch a film. On average, there are ten films are released every week in Britain and we thought that we would avoid the peak times of pre-Christmas and summer to avoid too much competition. It is a Friday to fit with the general conventions of film releasing. 

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